$250.00 USD


This Accelerator Participant Agreement (“Agreement”) applies to the Services (as defined below) offered to the person(s)/business(es) participating in the Personal Brand Accelerator program (“Participant” or “Student”) and made available by Anna Vatuone with an office at 867 Boylston Street Suite 500
Boston, MA 02116 (“Personal Brand Accelerator” and together with Participant, the “Parties”).

WHEREAS the Personal Brand Accelerator is a three-month program that organizes a schedule of classes and sessions (collectively “Sessions”) with Personal Brand Accelerator coaches (“PBA Coach(es)”). These PBA Coaches teach and provide advice and guidance regarding success in the development of Participant’s own personal Brand, marketing plans, website and social media profile. They also lead breakout Sessions in the Accelerator program and facilitate discussions with the Students (“Services”) and

WHEREAS the Participant wishes to engage the Personal Brand Accelerator for such Services and Sessions and understands that PBA Coaches are not life coaches, licensed therapists, psychologists or psychiatrists. Participant understands that coaching/mentoring does not involve the diagnosis or treatment of mental disorders as defined by the American Psychiatric Association; understands that coaching/mentoring is not a substitute for counseling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care or substance abuse treatment and will not use it in place of any form of diagnosis, treatment or therapy.

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the Parties hereby agree as follows:

1. Term
The term of this Agreement shall commence as of the date Participant ticks “agree” on a form mentioning these Terms and Conditions and shall remain in force until terminated by either party pursuant to the provisions of Section 8.

2. Payment
2.1. In full consideration for the Services and Sessions provided under this Agreement, Participant hereby agrees to pay Personal Brand Accelerator a fee (the “Fee”) set by Anna Vatuone, prior to agreement. The Fee is one payment of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250).

Personal Brand Accelerator reserves the right to apply a discount or 'scholarship' towards the Fee. If a discount is provided and Participant breaches any of the Rules listed in Section 3.1, Personal Brand Accelerator reserves the right to revoke such discount and charge Participant the full fee.

Payment for all coaching Sessions is due at the end of each Session unless other previous arrangements have been agreed to and made. Participant’s deposit is non-refundable even if s/he discontinues coaching/mentoring.

2.2. All travel related expenses, including but not limited to, airfare, hotel lodging and transportation, are the sole responsibility of the Participant.

3. Participant Obligations and License Grant
3.1. All officers, employees, consultants or agents of the Participant, while attending the Sessions, shall comply with the following rules (the “Rules”):

(a) follow instructions, directions, procedures and policies of Personal Brand Accelerator;
(b) attend and arrive promptly to all Sessions;
(c) behave in a respectful manner to not poorly reflect on Personal Brand Accelerator;
(d) remain fully engaged and attentively participate in all Sessions;
(e) understand that between Sessions, the Participant will be able to communicate briefly with the PBA Coach at his/her direction. This communication can be by text, email, or phone call to ask questions or receive feedback on session materials or homework;
(f) understand that if s/he arrives late for his/her Session, the original ending time for the Session will be observed;
(g) understand that if s/he must reschedule or cancel a Session, s/he must give notice of at least twelve (12) hours or s/he will be charged the full fee for the session and       
h) have fun!

3.2. Personal Brand Accelerator reserves the right to exclude Participant from any Sessions if Participant breaches any provision of this Agreement.

3.3. Participant hereby grants Personal Brand Accelerator a non-exclusive, perpetual, license to use Participant’s documentation, logos, marks and trademarks (“Participant Materials”) to create documentation, promotional material, pitches to sponsors, and any other promotional materials, including but not limited to the web and social media, (“Session Materials”). Personal Brand Accelerator shall have the right to photograph and record video and/or audio of the employees of Participant attending the Sessions and make commercial use of such photographs and recordings.

4. Participant’s Representations and Warranties
4.1. Participant represents, warrants and covenants that there exists no agreement or restriction which would interfere with or prevent Participant from entering this Agreement.

4.2. Participant represents, warrants and covenants that the Participant Materials, and their receipt and use by Personal Brand Accelerator will not infringe upon, misappropriate or violate any patent, copyright, trademark (and any goodwill associated therewith), trade secret, moral rights or other proprietary right of any third party.

5. Indemnification in Connection with Injuries to Persons or Damage to Property
5.1. Participant party shall indemnify and hold harmless Personal Brand Accelerator, its affiliates, directors, officers, employees and agents (collectively, the “Indemnitee”) against and from any and all suits, actions, proceedings at law or in equity, claims (groundless or otherwise), demands, liabilities, losses, damages, judgments, payments, deficiencies, settlements, penalties, fines, fees, economic losses, costs and any other expenses, (including, but not limited to, fees and disbursements of counsel selected by Personal Brand Accelerator) (whether incurred in a third party action, or in an action brought by either party against the other to enforce its rights under this Agreement), (collectively, “Liabilities”) arising out of or incurred in connection with bodily injury (including death) to any person, damage to the property, or interest of any person, firm, or corporation to the extent that such injury or damage shall have been occasioned by, shall have resulted from, or shall in any way be attributable to the willful or negligent acts or omissions of Participant, its affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents or subcontractors in any way related to this Agreement.

5.2. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, Participant hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Personal Brand Accelerator, its affiliates, and its and their respective officers, directors, employees, and agents from and against all Liabilities which are asserted against, incurred or suffered by Personal Brand Accelerator and which arise directly or indirectly out of, or in connection with:

(a) the violation of any applicable law by Participant, and/or its officers, directors, employees, agents and/or other representatives;
(b) the breach by Personal Brand Accelerator, and/or its officers, directors, employees, agents and/or other representatives of any covenant, condition, warranty, or representation contained in this Agreement; or
(c) the gross negligence, or willful or wanton misconduct of Participant, and/or its officers, directors, employees, agents and/or other representatives.

6. Confidentiality
6.1. “Confidential Information” means the terms and conditions of this Agreement and any information conveyed to Participant, orally or in writing, by Personal Brand Accelerator, pursuant hereto, but shall not include information which becomes generally available to the public through no act or omission by Participant. Participant acknowledges the confidential and proprietary nature of the Confidential Information and agrees that it shall not discuss, reveal, or disclose the Confidential Information to any other person or entity, or use any Confidential Information for any purpose other than as contemplated hereby, in each case, without the prior written consent of Personal Brand Accelerator. Participant agrees to use best efforts (and in no event less rigorous than Participant takes with respect to its own proprietary and confidential information) to prevent unauthorized or inadvertent disclosure of the Confidential Information.

6.2. Participant will, at the request of Personal Brand Accelerator, during the term of this Agreement or thereafter, promptly return all Confidential Information held or used by Participant in whatever form or promptly destroy all such Confidential Information, including all copies thereof, and those portions of all documents that incorporate such Confidential Information.

6.3. PBA Coach and Ms. Vatuone will hold Participant’s information confidential unless Participant states otherwise, in writing, except as required by law.

7. Privacy
7.1. Personal Brand Accelerator is committed to safeguarding the privacy of Personal Brand Accelerator’s Participants, sponsors and partners. However, certain topics may be anonymously and hypothetically shared with other coaching professionals for training OR consultation purposes.

7.2. Personal Brand Accelerator may disclose Participant’s personal data to one or more selected third-party suppliers of goods and services identified as its partners for the purpose of enabling them to contact Participants so that they can offer, market and sell to them relevant goods and/or services.

7.3. Personal Brand Accelerator is granted permission and consent to the rights of Participant’s image, likeness and sound of voice as recorded on audio or video tape without payment or any other consideration. Participant understands that its image may be edited, copied, exhibited, published or distributed and waives the right to inspect or approve the finished product wherein their likeness appears. Additionally, Participant waives any right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of their image or recording. Participant also understands that this material may be used in diverse educational settings within an unrestricted geographic area.

Photographic, audio or video recordings may be used for the following purposes:

• marketing material
• promotional or educational videos
• online promotion, including Personal Brand Accelerator (www.annavatuone.com), Facebook, Instagram, Meetup, and other websites

By agreeing to this release, the Participant understands this permission signifies that photographic or video recordings of them may be electronically displayed via the Internet or in the public educational setting.

There is no time limit on the validity of this release nor is there any geographic limitation on where these materials may be distributed.

This release applies to photographic, audio or video recordings collected as part of the Personal Brand Accelerator activity that the Participant signed up and/or participated in. This authorization is revocable under the laws of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

8. Termination
8.1. Personal Brand Accelerator may terminate this Agreement at any time upon three (3) days’ notice.

8.2. Personal Brand Accelerator may terminate this Agreement (i) upon Participant’s breach of this Agreement and failure to cure such breach upon five (5) business days prior written notice by Personal Brand Accelerator, or (ii) upon Participant’s material breach of this Agreement which cannot be reasonably be cured.

8.3. The Participant may terminate this agreement at any time upon three (3) days’ notice. In case the Participant paid a Fee to participate to the Program, this termination would require the forfeiture of the program tuition and non-reimbursement on the Fee.

9. Limitation of Liability


10. General
10.1. Relationship Between the Parties. Participant is an independent contractor; there is no joint venture, partnership, agency or fiduciary relationship existing between the Parties and the Parties do not intend to create any such relationship by this Agreement. Neither Party shall have the power or authority to bind or obligate the other in any manner not expressly set forth herein.

10.2. Use of Name. Participant and its employees, agents and representatives will not, without Personal Brand Accelerator’s prior written consent in each instance, use in advertising, publicity or other promotional endeavor, the name of Personal Brand Accelerator or any of Personal Brand Accelerator’s affiliates, or any officer or employee of Personal Brand Accelerator, or any trade name, trademark, trade device, service mark, symbol or any abbreviation, contraction or simulation thereof used by Personal Brand Accelerator or its affiliates; or represent, directly or indirectly, that any product or service provided by Participant has been approved or endorsed by Participant, or refer to the existence of this Agreement in press releases, advertising or materials distributed to Participant’s prospective customers.

10.3Force Majeure. Personal Brand Accelerator shall not be held responsible nor be deemed to be in default under this Agreement for any delay in performance or failure in performance of any of its obligations hereunder if such delay or failure is the result of causes beyond the control of Personal Brand Accelerator.

10.4. Governing Law. This Agreement, its subject matter and the parties’ respective rights and obligations hereunder shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, without giving effect to principles regarding conflicts of law.

10.5. Modification, Amendment and Waiver; Benefit. There are no understandings, agreements or representations, express or implied, with respect to the subject matter hereof not specified herein. This Agreement shall not be deemed or construed to be modified, amended, rescinded, canceled or waived in whole or in part, except by a writing executed by both parties. This Agreement will inure to the benefit of Hotel, Vendor, and the successors and permitted assigns of each.

10.6. Assignment. Personal Brand Accelerator may assign this Agreement, and/or any rights and/or obligations hereunder upon written notice and without the consent of Participant to any (i) subsidiary or affiliate of Personal Brand Accelerator, or (ii) successor pursuant to a merger, consolidation, sale of all or substantially all its assets. Participant shall not assign this Agreement, and/or any rights and/or obligations hereunder without Personal Brand Accelerator’s prior written consent. Any attempted assignment in violation of this Section 10.6 shall be void ab initio.

10.7. Authority. Both Personal Brand Accelerator and Participant have full power and authority to enter into and perform this Agreement, and the person signing this Agreement on behalf of each has been properly authorized and empowered to enter into this Agreement. EACH PARTY FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT IT HAS READ THIS AGREEMENT, UNDERSTANDS IT, AND AGREES TO BE BOUND BY IT.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed this Agreement as of the Effective Date.

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Self Paced PBA (One Payment of $250)

Personal Brand Accelerator is a 12-lesson transformational program that teaches you how to discover your purpose, clarify your message, and communicate with confidence online. 

What’s inside?

Lesson 1 - Write Your Personal Brand Story
A compelling story moves your audience to take action. PBA will help you uncover your personal brand story and position this as the anchor for your brand and business.

Lesson 2 - Unveil Your Authentic Self
You may have heard the word, ‘values’ thrown around quite frequently, but have you ever paused to consider what yours might be? Have you ever wondered what living a value-driven life actually looks like? In Lesson Two, you will determine your core values and discover your Enneagram personality type. Here you’ll learn the heights you are capable of reaching while shedding light on the areas of your life that are weaker and underdeveloped.

Lesson 3 - Write the Copy for Your Personal Website
Without the right copy, your audience will be left feeling confused—and you'll be wondering where you went wrong. PBA will teach you how to position yourself as an industry expert by writing compelling messaging that will convert your audience into followers, clients, and/or customers.

Lesson 4 - Create Your Visual Identity
Your visual identity, such as color, typography, and shape, encapsulate meaning that cannot be conveyed through words alone. PBA will teach you how to create a cohesive brand aesthetic that you can use across your website and social media profiles consistently.

Lesson 5 - Plan Your Personal Brand Photoshoot
The photos on your website and social media profiles shape the way your personal brand looks and feels. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to select the right Personal Brand Photographer for you and plan a custom photo session that accurately represents who you are and what you do. You’ll even learn Anna’s best practices for feeling confident in front of the camera.

Lesson 6 - Build Your Personal Website
A personal website is like the hub of your online presence. PBA will teach you to structure your personal website and write copy that converts your audience into clients and customers. You can’t find this framework and formula anywhere else.

Lesson 7 - Refine Your Personal Website
Your website is an ever-evolving representation of your authentic self. This week, you’ll work with the PBA staff to refine and edit your website so you’re happy with the finished product.

Lesson 8 - Optimize Your Social Media Profiles
Your social media profiles are what drive traffic back to your personal website. PBA will show you how to improve your profiles so you can stand apart from the crowd, make a killer first impression, and inspire your audience to take action.

Lesson 9 - Create Authentic Content
Now that you’ve built and improved your digital assets, it’s time to learn the art of self-expression. PBA will show you how to share yourself with the world. Self-expression is a blend of sharing your life, marketing your brand, and telling your personal story.

Lesson 10 - Join the PBA Challenge
The success of your personal brand is directly related to the amount of content your personal brand (A.K.A. YOU) produces. Now that you have tried your hand at different styles of content creation, PBA will show you how to start sharing your creations with the world.

Lesson 11 - Manage Your Personal Brand Long Term
Personal branding is a marathon. PBA will provide you with strategies for managing your personal brand over the long term for long-term success.

Lesson 12 - PBA Graduation
Pause and reflect on your time in PBA. What goals have you accomplished? Where do you want to go in the future? Get ready for Graduation!

What you'll get:

  • Unmatched Curriculum
    12 lessons of highly effective curriculum that is unmatched from any coaching program on the market.
  • Flexibility
    You have the freedom to complete this course at your own pace.
  • Support & Accountability
    We are here to support you and hold you accountable if that is what you need. Together, we will help you develop yourself and fulfill your potential.
  • Infinite Access
    Receive lifetime access to my signature framework and unmatched curriculum. The modules and resources will be here for you long after you’ve graduated from PBA.
  • Transformational Results
    This will be a transformational experience that will change the way you see yourself. There’s nothing more fulfilling than finding and acting upon your one true purpose. 

Personal Brand Accelerator is a transformational experience that will change the way you see yourself and how you show up in the world. There’s nothing more fulfilling than finding and acting upon your one true purpose. Are you ready? See you on the other side.

What People Are Saying:

“I think this program is excellent, and the time and effort that have gone into providing a streamlined experience do not go unnoticed! This is a great program for people who want to use social media as a tool to grow and build a business.”

Brigid Shivers

“When joining PBA, try not to have any expectations, because it will surpass any expectations you had. PBA surprised me in ways I didn't think possible in a program. I have discovered parts of myself that I wasn't even aware of. I have come out of PBA stronger, more resilient, more courageous, and more confident. I am proud of who I am and how I got here, and PBA gave me that clarity. PBA will show you doors and opportunities you didn't even think about. If you are having any doubts, take the leap, PBA will change your life. You may not know what you want to do, and that is fine, PBA will help define anything in your life you need help defining. If anything, PBA will help you find YOU. PBA is a program I will always recommend.”

Layla Algosaibi

“PBA completely exceeded my expectations. I came into it completely lost with what I wanted to do next in my career and what my purpose was, and now I have much more clarity on what truly matters to me and how to bring that into fruition. The support they provide is invaluable and the information is GOLD. Even better, I get to be a part of this incredibly resourceful & supportive community now for years to come. Thank you PBA!!”

Amanda Holstein

“Whether you have your own business, project ideas you hope to build off of, or are simply starting from ground zero, PBA is an incredible course. It helps adults build their confidence to authentically follow their dreams. Throughout the course, you’re given safe and supportive space to create both an online image and in-person presence that reflects the deepest pieces of who you are. I couldn’t recommend this course enough.”

Breda Bosch

“I loved PBA! It was literally my life line these past few months. I learned so much about myself. I also found the education so invaluable- each week built upon the last seamlessly. I feel PBA was perfect in helping me define my what it is I wanted to do."

Christine Short

“I would tell someone if you're on the verge of creating something unique to you, a business, blog, content, and you're second guessing yourself, stuck on a step (for me it was my website) and looking to connect with others who are doing the same then join PBA. I love that it's lifetime access. It takes pressure off individuals who may already be struggling with blockages. I feel like I started off so strong and really dove into creating my story which was the confidence boost I needed to push past building my website which is where I had been stuck for months. I slowed down towards the last few weeks but I still felt that I was part of the team, and gaining valuable information for continuously building my brand. I left with a beautiful new website where I was able to launch my book and merch."

Rebecca Olmos

“If you’re ready to gain clarity of self and not sure where to start, PBA is for you. I have learned so much about myself. It’s one thing to feel something but to be able to easily identify what that something is, is a game changer. PBA helped me identify parts of myself and because of that I am more self- aware and protective of my space and time. PBA has empowered me to get paid for who I am and not just what I do. I am incredibly thankful for Anna and PBA because I am forever changed.”

Krissy Smith

“My experience was so life-changing. Even if you are slightly interested, take that first clarity call. In the end, I saw so much growth from everyone. Even if they didn't settle on one idea, they knew what they didn't want and that in itself is a huge win. PBA provides the space to explore and be earnest.”

Nicole Martinez

“The amount of confidence I have gained in knowing the value of my experience and what I have to offer from PBA is worth the commitment. Do it! It will change your life!”

Stephanie Dowd

“I would say this course has done wonders for me. It has shifted my perspective on being able to see my passions, opened my eyes to creativity and content, and I’ve learned the back end of building a brand. Having this knowledge you really see branding and business differently because you know the work that goes into it. I consider myself lucky to have gone through this course because I gave myself a chance to step outside of the box.”

Olga Salazar

It will be the best investment you'll ever make for yourself. Even though I went through PBA feeling lost about what I wanted to do, it ultimately led me to the best idea I've ever had and gave me the support I needed to get to this idea. It was everything I needed. PBA will forever be one of my greatest accomplishments and will always hold a special place in my heart!

Julia Fracassa

“I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I signed up, but my gut told me to do it. It was the right decision - learning about myself.”

Shannon Stafford

“If fear is holding you back, PBA will be an incredible resource for you to remember your power and purpose and allow you to show up in a way that makes you proud!”

Keyaira Lock Adewunmi

Anna has a real talent for pulling meaning out of your passion and talent and then formulating a compelling mission statement that strings it all together. Personal Brand Accelerator not only taught me exactly how and why to show up for my audience but it also taught me a lot about myself. There is this real empowering piece to PBA that brings your ideas and identity to life in a way I've only ever experienced working with Anna. Since clarifying my messaging and implementing her strategies I've increased traffic across all of my profiles, captivated and connected with my ideal target client like never before, and ultimately am able to help more people because of it which is the ultimate goal. I am so thankful for PBA and Anna!

Erin Jasper

Working with Anna has been a total game changer in regard to how I'm perceived online. It's amazing how I'm still the same person, with the same background, yet receive far more press and business inquiries. She has encouraged and empowered me to share the more personal aspects of my life on social media, which has opened the door for more opportunities and healthier business relationships. I'm now able to attract people who value me as an individual, not just a service provider.

Terry Rice

PBA is the most transformational course I've ever taken. From the moment I started working with Anna, it was clear to me that she knew what she was an expert and was genuinely interested in my growth as an entrepreneur. Coming into PBA, I thought I knew what I was trying to say to my audience. But the first thing the course taught me how to do was discover what was truly at the heart of the message I wanted to communicate, and how to go about doing that in a way that was authentic and true to me. The course helped me hone and refine my message and solidified the vision I have for the business. The course materials are simple but impactful and gave me a clear roadmap each week to work from. I gained an incredible amount of confidence from working with Anna and her team. I would highly recommend the course to any entrepreneur who's purpose driven and wants to use the power of a personal brand to build an exceptional business and change the world.

Drew Amoroso

Anna carries herself with grace, confidence, and strength. She has been a guiding light on my journey of self-discovery by helping me thoughtfully and intentionally craft my personal story. From website design to visual branding to copywriting strategizing, Anna is an expert at genuinely and tangibly capturing vision and identity. In a few short months, Anna has become a someone I deeply admire and cherish.

Waresa Hu